Who are we?

Due to the sudden outbreak of the Wuhan Pneumonia (novel coronavirus), the first case in Hong Kong was confirmed on 23 January 2020. In view of the disease becoming increasingly threatening, the vote4hk team started collecting information both from the internet and government sources on 26 January. Two days later, we put forward the website for “information about novel coronavirus”, on which we integrate information about high-risk areas, patients’ conditions, information about dubious stores and self-protection tips.

In 2019, we also developed vote4.hk, on which we tidied up background information of district council constituencies, candidates running in the election, data on previous elections and results, etc.

The operation of this site depends on the restless hard work of our volunteers, who verify and update the contents whenever necessary. The developers also endeavour to add new functions to the website whenever possible. Also, we owe our gratitude to g0vhk and Station for Open Cultures, who fully supported this website and contributed with valuable suggestions.

Your donation will help g0vhk and Station for Open Cultures in organising more activities to promote open culture and civil technology. It will also become the fund for them to start new projects, part of your donation will be used to subsidise their costs in providing cloud services.

Last but not least, we thank the 4 university students during 2003 SARS period, for their innovation in setting up sosick.org immediately following the 2003 outbreak, on which they posted list of buildings in HK that were affected. Their efforts helped HKers in overcoming SARS, and inspired us to follow their suits 17 years later.


About g0vhk

vote4.hk team met each other at one of the g0vhk hackathons last year. g0vhk advocates for civil engagement, opening of data and right to information through use of technology.

Donate to g0vhk

About Station for Open Cultures

Station for Open Cultures advocates for values including openness, progressiveness, plurality and egalitarianism. It organises numerous hackathons, technological talks and workshops, etc. Vote4.hk frequently hold our meetings and collaborate at venues provided by Station for Open Cultures.

Donate to Station of Open Cultures

Speical Thanks

Thanks to Kintohub for the sponsorship on our server cost.

We derive resources from our society to contribute back to it. The source code of this site and information are all open for use.

If you wish to cite anything from this site, please indicate 'wars.vote4.hk - COVID-19 in HK'.


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